Anarchy is Authoritarian

1 min readSep 6, 2021


Anarchy is authoritarian. Not letting me coerce somebody with my own private militia through coercion. They don't allow me take some of the free territories and create a warlord state this is authoritarian.

When I make the anarchists do a funny dance they try to coerce me into not making them do a funny dance, this is 1984. These so called anarchists are authoritarian assholes.

Let me just ask you something isn’t you stopping me from doing authoritarianism, authoritarian in itself? These anarchists would be put me in a CNT FAI labor camp so that i wont create another warlord state. This is authoritarian 1984.

Anarchism is 1984 police state because it wont allow me to create a 1984 police state. This is also hypocritical because they describe themselves as anti authoritarians.

Must we ask should we support hypocrites or an honest authoritarian 1984 police state supporter. Thats what I thought. We support honesty.

So yeah anarchy is authoritarian because it wont allow me to be authoritarian. We should cancel anarchy.

