Anarchy is the Abolish of Society

1 min readSep 14, 2021


Society is the most authoritarian thing. Society is built of the authoritarian and fascist ideology of collectivism. As an individualist I am against this.

Many “anarchists” are social “anarchists”, these social “anarchists” should socialize and get bitches. These anarchists support anarcholaws and anarchopolice, how about you get some anarchobitches.

Society is just a leviathan. I am against this biblical snake guy. Society watches us all shaming us when we break social norms.

We live in a society. Thats a bad thing. We should live alone and in our moms basement.

Many so called anarchists will say that self defense is a good thing but self defending against me is literally the anarchopolice authoritarian 1984 state.

Society wont allow me to get bitches because I am a sigma and they dont sigmas to reproduce to make more sigmas.

Society invented the first color (red). Colors are authoritarian.

We must abolish society now.

