Color Abolitionism

3 min readSep 12, 2021


Colors are an authoritarian state and ideological apparatus used uphold society. Colors represent the wheel of time which we must also abolish. It represents democracy monarchy and worse of all fascism.

Color wheel representing the wheel of time.

Lets us ask ourselves why does the color purple represent Monarchism or red to represent Marxism. Its because both of these ideologies invented these colors to justify authoritarianism. The color apparatus upholds societies and states as we know it.

How color and society represent eachother

Lets also look how colors force us to listen to authority. The stop sign is red. Red was invented to give us warnings. It is saying if we dont stop the state is gonna force us in prison. This is authority using colors to oppress us.

authoritarian sign

The people must ask ourselves should we listen to authoritarian signs just because someone invented a color? NOOOOOO. We must abolish colors. We must end Democracy by ending blue. End Monarchism by ending purple. We must end red to end Marxism.

Flag of monarchism

But isn’t anarchy represented by black?? a color?? No black is the absence of color because us anarchists know that color is authoritarian.

Flag of anarchy

Some fake anarchists will add color to our flag. “An”coms will often add red. Red represents communism or as i like to call it red fascism, an evil authoritarian ideology.

Flag of “anarcho”communism

Others will add yellow to symbolize capitalism or as I like to call it yellow fascism. An evil authoritarian ideology.

Flag of “anarcho”capitalism

To abolish authoritarianism we must abolish colors. To destroy the authority of society we must destroy color. If you aren’t with me you support fascism. If you arent with me you hate gay people. So what are we gonna do?

