CyberTrumpism: The Future of Trumpism

1 min readOct 22, 2021


After Trump failed a coup on Jan 6th the liberals have been soycoping about this attack on America’s democratic values. These liberals are trying to defend America’s democracy. The liberals are being cucked by democracy.

Donald Trump is gonna die. Donald Trump is not immortal, with the death of this man the republican party is gonna need a new leader. Knowing that republicans want a new Trump to replace the old Trump.

Robotics are the future of humanity, why not a robopresident. the republicans want an immortal Trump. Good news for the republicans, Barron Trump is making a robotrump.

With a new robotrump, the republicans can more easily make America into a theocracy that worship Trump. With God-Emperor RoboTrump on the throne the American people can launch a crusade against Europe and Martians.

You may ask what are your sources. I will now list them all.

Barron Trump: I am making a robotrump

Melania Trump: My sons creation will be America’s God-Emperor

Joe Biden: Those antidemocratic MAGAts are making a robot to replace me :C.

Happy, now GOODBYE

