History of the Martian Peoples

3 min readOct 25, 2021


The first written account of the Martians can be found in Rome 23ad. The historian Biggus Dickus writes “the people of Mars are of lower moral standing than even the French”

Evidence of Martians predate that by about 200 years. The Face on Mars is thought to be Mars’s oldest temple. It represents the Martian God of Nature, War, Love and Emotion. Iftra is his name. Though it will be abandoned after the fall of the Ylite Empire.

A new temple will form being called The Grand Temple of the God Iftra. It has the first written records on Mars. “Aꖎꖎ ∴⍑𝙹 ᒷリℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ⍑ᒷ∷ ᓭ⍑ᔑꖎꖎ ʖ𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ꖎ𝙹∷↸ ᔑリ↸ ⊣𝙹↸ i⎓ℸ ̣ ∷ᔑ.” The Npka Empire will build many more temples.

Lyan the Ylite will form the NeoYlite Empire. Her conquests will form the largest empire on Mars until the Americans will conquer mars. The Martian Alphabet will not be used after this.

The martian nomads (Fahgas) will continue to destroy the settled peoples of mars. After the Fahgas evaporate the oceans and rivers Mars the nomadic age will begin.

1652 ad and the first humans have landed on Mars. The British Empire will try and colonize Mars but ultimately fail. Later on the French outpost “New Paris” will form the first trading post on Mars.

For centuries New Paris will be the only city on Mars. But this all changed when the Germans attacked. During the Franco-Prussian War the Germans will conquer New Paris. They rename it to Neues Paris.

They form 2 other cities (New Prussia and New Berlin). Between that and world war 1, the German Empire will try to expand its empire on mars but ultimately fail to do so.

Even though no battles are fought on Mars, Neues Paris is given back to France. France was too lazy to rename it. The other two citys are still German for now.

World War 2 will see German presense on Mars reduced to nothingness. New Berlin will be given to America and New Prussia now just Prussia will be given to the USSR.

The cold war will see the rest of Mars fall to these two empire. Maoist China will also form colonies on Mars. The scramble of Mars will include PRC USSR AMERICA FRANCE UK WEST GERMANY and finally of all CANADA.

After the fall of the soviet union the soviet colonies will continue the legacy of the soviet union. Though they will get annexed by the Ukrainians.

Both the Russians and the Ukrainians wanted those colonies. This will lead to the First Interplanetary war. The Ukrainians will launch a military campaign to crush the soviet revolutionaries.

The local martians will try to form an independent Martian State called Fahgas but the got cancelled by liberals because it sounded like a slur.

The Ukrainians will ultimately win. Ukraine will also annex the caucuses and the Caspian region expelling the Russians. The United States will celebrate this. Belarus also gets annexed and genocided but thats not important.

