Sigma’s vs Society

1 min readSep 16, 2021


The thing called society is a great oppressor of us sigma’s. The sigma is stopped from breeding bitches because of society. It is to stop us from reproducing and producing more sigma’s. The do this to stop sigma’s from destroying society.

The sigma vs society is what all anarchists should understand. Anarchists should support sigma liberation. Anarchists should support my plan to abolish society.

Many social anarchists don’t. They follow the fascist of collectivism. They want society and not to end the oppression of sigma’s. Social anarchists are fascists in practice.

The individualist anarchist knows that anarchy is about the individual not a so called “community”. The community is a fascist idea. So called antifascists support the community.

The community oppresses sigma’s. The community is sigmaphobic. So called people against bigotry support the community. Let me ask you is bigotry ok.

The social anarchists want to form community because they hate sigma’s. They will hate the anarchist insurrection when it liberates sigma’s. The struggle of the sigma is one of antistatism and antisocietyism.

The so called anarchists who support society are fascists and I hate fascists. Lets look at Vaush the leads the social anarchists. He said “I hate sigma’s and love societies and colors”. Look at this anti anarchist mindset shake my fucking head.

Antisigmaism is antianarchism. Antisigmaism is profascism.

I know the vuluusites will create a true anarchy. An anarchy without colors society or community. A anarchy without sigmaphobia.

